"In the young people of the world lies a reservoir of capacity to transform society waiting to be tapped." Baha’i Writings
Young people play an important role in our society. Although sometimes depicted as problematic, the Bahá’í community sees within them altruism, a keen sense of justice, eagerness to learn and a desire to contribute to a better world.
The objective of the junior youth groups are the empowerment of participants through the development of spiritual perception, the enhancement of their power of expression, and the building of a sound moral structure. The program moulds the capacities of all the junior youth for service to humanity, releasing their energies for a purposeful and constructive life. The junior youth program is a globally developed social and economic development initiative that began some thirty years ago in a number of countries around the world. Its purpose is to empower young people to contribute effectively to the advancement of civilization. Today there are junior youth groups in every part of the world